Clearspring Church Gloucester Youth Group
Starting Back In The Spring 2023
Daniel Cratchley, Youth Leader
Alena Cieciura, Youth Leader
Jay Wynn, Youth Helper
Bradley Burtwell, Youth Helper
Finney Burtwell, Youth Helper
Tarina Cieciura, Youth Helper
Our Youth Group Code of Conduct
Rule 1: Show respect to all people, especially the Youth Leaders.
Rule 2: Listen quietly when a Youth Leader speaks.
Rule 3: Speak appropriately and avoid bad language.
Rule 4: Do not take what doesn’t belong to you.
Rule 5: Always tell the truth.
Rule 6: Be kind to other group members and call out bullying.
Rule 7: Have fun and make sure others are having fun too.
Rule 8: Stay safe by avoiding anything that could cause harm.
Clearspring Church Gloucester Youth Club
Terms & Conditions
By allowing your child to attend the Clearspring Church Gloucester Youth Club you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
From hereon in ‘We’ refers to Clearspring Youth Club and Clearspring Church Gloucester. ‘You’ refers to the parents/carers/guardians of the attending child/children.
We are not responsible for the safe journey of your child/children to or from the Youth Club.
We strongly recommend that you travel with your child to and from the Youth Club.
We are not liable or responsible for any damage to your child’s/children’s valuables. We are unable to look after them or keep them safe. We strongly recommend that all electronic devices and expensive items be left safe at home.
We will be vigilant to make sure your child is safe and cared for ‘inside’ the four walls of the Youth Hub. As the outside area, basket ball/football court is a ‘public area’ we cannot accept responsibility for any event that happens in this area.
We cannot prevent an event of bullying, but once we are informed of such an event we will take measures to lessen future occurrences.
We have devised eight basic rules that we expect your child/children to abide by. These eight rules can be found on the Youth Group page at
We are not under any obligation to make sure that every child wins a prize. Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the Youth Leaders. We are not under obligation to make sure that the prizes are used/spent in an appropriate manner. Prizes may consist of vouchers, cash, physical rewards. If you do not wish your child/children to receive such prizes, please inform the Youth Leaders prior to the Youth Club meeting.
If your child/children do not fall within the age bracket for the group, school years 6 to 9 (roughly aged 10-14yrs) we cannot accept them into the club.
Any serious criminal activity/behaviour perpetrated on site by a child/children during the Youth Club hours of 7:00pm - 8:00pm will be reported to and dealt with by the Police.
All of our Youth Club Leaders have undergone and passed a DBS check.
We are not responsible for the nutrition of your child/children. There will be a tuck shop available from which your child/children can purchase various items. From time to time food and drink may be provided by the Leaders for the children to enjoy free of charge.
We are not responsible for any child/children choosing to climb on the building, fencing, gates, walls, metal frame/cage or netting. You are strongly advised to warn your child/children about the risks involved in this dangerous activity.
We are not responsible for the road safety of your child, especially as this relates to the roads directly outside the Youth Club.
We will provide safe and fun activities for your child/children to participate in. From time to time injury may occur due to normal sporting accidents (I.e. twisted ankles, bumps and grazes) and we cannot accept responsibility for such accidents.
We do not permit non-member/non-DBS checked adults into the Youth Hub, for the protection of your child/children.
We ask that your child/children leave their own balls and games at home, as the items we provide are sufficient for the evening and may be of a safer and more appropriate nature.
We ask that you fill out and return to us asap any important documents that are sent home via your child/children.